259 Brown Road
Voluntown, CT 06384
ph: 305-323-1385
The following courses / projects are scheduled for calendar year 2015
MARCH 2015
ICS 300 - North Shore LIJ Health Services; Instructing for NY State Office of Emergency Management. March 11-13 (Completed)
ICS 200 - US National Park Service, Washington DC. This includes an I200 course and additional day to apply ICS Planning Process to upcoming NPS - NCR events; March 24-26. Click on the following link to get a copy of the Incident Action Plan for this course.... (Completed)
ICS300 - Westchester County NY; March 31-April 2
APRIL 2015
ICS 300 - NY City Parks, Queens, NY; April 7-9: (Completed)
ICS 400 - Hampton Bays, NY; April 18-19: (Canceled due to lack of applicants to attend)
MAY 2015
ICS 400 - Dutchess County, Poughkeepsie, NY; May 5-6: (Completed)
ICS 400 - Warren County, Lake George NY; Aug 4-5:
View course announcement at: http://www.dhses.ny.gov/training/courses/I-400_8.4-8.5.2015_Warren.pdf (Completed)
View/download course incident action plan at:
ICS 200 Plus - US National Park Service, Washington DC. This includes an I200 course and additional day to apply ICS Planning Process to upcoming NPS - NCR events; August 18-20. (Completed)
ICS 300 - NY City OEM, August 25-27
To view the course announcement and apply please follow this link: (Completed)
NY State Office of Emergency Management Instructors Workshop, Utica, NY, September 15-17 (Facilitating I400 course update session)
ICS 300 - North Shore LIJ Health Services; Oct 7-9: View course announcement & register at; http://www.dhses.ny.gov/training/courses/I-300_Nassau_10072015.pdf
NY WILDFIRE & INCIDENT MANAGEMENT ACADEMY - Oct 22-31; View Academy Website at: www.nywima.com
ICS 300 - NY City Office of Emergency Management, Brooklyn NY (Completed)
The listings to the left include the most currently scheduled courses & projects. The web links will take you directly to course information and registration information if available.
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Copyright 2009 Risky Business Incident Management LLC. All rights reserved.
259 Brown Road
Voluntown, CT 06384
ph: 305-323-1385