259 Brown Road
Voluntown, CT 06384
ph: 305-323-1385
The following courses / projects are scheduled for calendar year 2017
January 2017 - March 2017
Completed and submitted 7 prescribed burn plans for Mississippi Department of Marine Resources. The 7 plans were written for 8 Coastal Preserve's owned and managed by MSDMR. The plans were written using the NWCG format and are valid for 5 years. These Coastal Preserves are true treasures embedded in esturine coastal marshes where freshwater meets the marine environment. The plans were written for Pine dominated uplands (up to 20' above sea level) in these preserves. Tony Wilder, retired USFWS Zone FMO, partnered with RBIM LLC to create these Rx Plans.
To view more information on these preserves please visit the following website http://www.dmr.ms.gov/index.php/coastal-resources-management/coastal-preserves
April 2017
Greentree Foundation Prescribed Burns. RBIM LLC completed 2 prescribed burns at the Greentree Foundation. One was 1.2 acres and one was 10 acres. These were the first prescribed burns conducted in Nassau County Long Island in 3 decades.
April 2017
I300 - Northwell Health Services, Manhasset, NY April 4-6. This course is being instructed for NY State Office of Emergency Management. (Completed)
July 2017
I400 - NY City Office of Emergency Management, July 20-21. This course is being instructed for NY State Office of Emergency Management. (Completed)
August 2017
I400 - Happauge, NY August 16-17. This course is being instructed for NY State Office of Emergency Management. (Completed)
September 2017
Division/Group Supervisor, Sept 19-21 as part of Mass. Fire Academy being held at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts on Cape Cod.
Although the training annoucement is listed as S339 (The NWCG Div Supv course) THIS SESSION WILL BE COMBINED WITH FEMA L960 Division / Group Supv All Hazard course and taught simultaneously. It is anticipated most students will be from the All Hazard response community. (Completed)
October 2017
NY Wildfire & Incident Management Academy 2017
This is the 20th Anniversary of this Academy. A wide variety of wildfire management & incident command courses will be offered. Another training opportunity at NYWIMA is to work as a trainee as a member of the Command & General Staff or as a Unit Leader in positions you have been trained for. It presents a real time planned event incident where you can work with a fully qualified training Mentor and get items signed in your Position Task Book.
RBIM LLC will be teaching a combined Strike Team/Task Force Leader course, combining the S330 Wildland Fire ST/TF Leader and the L984 FEMA ST/TF Leader course. This course is scheduled for Oct 20-22. To register follow the registration link at http://nywima.com/
The Academy runs for the last two weeks of October.
The following link will take you to the Academy website: (note planning for NYWIMA 2017 is on-going & new information will be posted on the website as it becomes available).
One of the most common questions for students who attend RBIM LLC courses taught for the State of NY Office of Emergency Management is "how do I get my course certificate".
The answer is simple. The final exams are officially graded at NYSOEM HQ in Albany. Once courses are graded student certificates are posted to the NY State Learning System online.
To obtain your certificate follow this link and log in to SLMS to get an electronic copy of your cert. Please allow at least three weeks post class for you certificate to be posted.
Copyright 2009 Risky Business Incident Management LLC. All rights reserved.
259 Brown Road
Voluntown, CT 06384
ph: 305-323-1385